Netaq for Marketing Agencies

See why Netaq’s SMS marketing platform is a fantastic addition for Marketing Agencies!

Some Important SMS Statistics for Marketing

75% of clients say they are fine receiving promotional SMS from agencies where they opted in.

60% of clients open and read text messages they received within 5 minutes after receipt.

80% of customers respond to a new SMS within 15 minutes after receipt.

Agencies’ email campaign open rates can grow 30% by sending one follow-up SMS.

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SMS Marketing Solutions for Marketing Agencies

SMS Marketing for Digital Marketing Agencies, Social Media Agencies, Advertising Agencies, and other General Marketing Agencies provide affordable arrangements at scale. Increase your profit margins using SMS.

  • Incorporate market segmentation using Netaq’s filters to easily reach a specific group of consumers based on their demographics, age, gender, etc.
  • Engage high-value mobile subscribers with relevant messages and personalized campaigns.
  • Readily send promos, discounts, and best deals using Netaq’s bulk send feature and by setting up automated campaigns.
  • Boost engagement and retention with targeted marketing and location-based marketing.
  • Send marketing tips, ask for feedback and reviews, and do surveys using SMS.
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